
Toffee Crunch Candy

Candy Thermometer
2 sticks salted butter
2 blocks semi-sweet baking chocolate (red box)
1 1/3 cups sugar
1 cup chopped pecans (reserve 1/4 cup for topping)
1 tablespoon white Karo syrup
3 tablespoons water


-chop pecans
-put 1/4 cup in separate bowl and save for end of recipe

-spread sheet pan with butter
-set aside

 -place butter, karo, water, and sugar in pot
-cook on 4 (NO LESS, NO MORE)

-cook butter mixture (stirring constantly) until thermometer reaches 300 degrees
-the color of the butter mixture will change through the process

-once thermometer reaches 300 degrees add 3/4 cup pecans
-pour out onto buttered sheet pan

-let sit 10 minutes to harden
-melt chocolate in microwave
-30 second intervals  until melted

-scoop chocolate in spoon
-let chocolate stream off spoon drizzling it over toffee
-add remaining pecans over chocolate

-once toffee has set break toffee into uneven peices

Plate and Enjoy!


  1. OoooooOOOOOOooo!! I'm gonna have to try this!

  2. Oh. My. Does. That. Look. Good.

    This is the first time your blog has let me comment in forever! I wanted to say it's looking good over here, and lots of your recipes looked yummy. Even the meaty ones, but I think THIS is my favorite. Mmmmm.

  3. Oh, and you have an award over at my place! ^_^


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