
Making a Comeback

Hi, friends!

It's been quite some time since I last posted. A lot has changed and I'm eager to share it all with you. Not only have I lost 60 pounds, but in the process I've learned healthier eating options, found new hobbies, and acquired a full time job. Here's where this gets interesting. It's time to get this blog going again, and I've decided to change it up a little bit. Not only will I be posting new recipes, but I will also be posting my athletic endeavors, achievements, and progress. As much as I thought I knew about living life in a chair before, time has only proven that there was so much more to learn. I've also been teaching along the way. Check out the "Community Involvement" tab under the header for an updated list of all of the events and other things I have attended. The newest tab called "Athletic Accomplishments" will show you all of my rankings, placements, and just plain participation in sports. Another great thing that will be new and improved is the picture quality. When I first started, we were working with a basic point and shoot digital camera. Looking back, the quality makes us shudder. We now have two new DSLR's that will be presenting you with much better pictures to cook along with. In closing, I'd like to leave you with a wonderful before and now photo. I'm excited to get cooking with you again and share my little piece of Para-dise! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the weight loss, Megan! You're such an inspiration for so very many reasons. I can't wait for you to start blogging again so I can follow your athletics (and recipes) closely!


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