
Mom's Famous Peach Jam


7 medium fresh peaches (4 cups smashed)
7 canning jars (lids included)
5 1/2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon butter
1 packet Sure.Jell (recommend not using Ball)

Yields: 7 jars Jam


-place lids and bands in water

-place on stove and begin to boil

-place jars in water

-place on stove and begin to boil

-stove set-up should look like this:

The reason for boiling your jars and lids is to sterilize and rid germs.

-peel peaches and cut into sections

-place in large bowl

-smash peaches

-measure 4 cups

-place 4 cups smashed peaches in large stock pot

-place lemon juice, butter, and sure jell in pot with peaches

-Stir constantly

-bring peach mixture to a rolling boil

-once to a rolling boil add sugar and stir one minute

-pull jars out of boiling water

-turn upside down for a few seconds

-turn jars right side up

-place large funnel in jar

-pour peach mixture in jar

-once all jars are filled wet a paper towel

-wipe all sides of jars

-drain bands and lids

-place on clean towel

-place bands on jars first

-place lids on jars

-use paper towel to screw lids on tight (will be hot)

-turn upside down immediately (5 minutes)

-after 5 minutes place right side up

-wait for jars to POP! (seal)


  1. Ok, I TOTALLY want to try this. Once we move into the new house maybe I will be able to. My one question is how long do the jams stay fresh after sealing? Or in other words - how fast do they have to be eaten?

  2. Slap some of this on a peice of bread heated up in a skillet, and you will be in Heaven!

  3. Looks great! I love the way you started the post--I wrote a story about my Nana's spaghetti sauce and started it kind of the same way ;-)


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